Increasing OOH share improves campaign effectiveness

Increasing OOH share improves overall campaign effectiveness

We are kicking off MediaWorks Takeaways 2024 with some nibbles & nuggets from a Benchmarketing* study on Out of Home (OOH). The study found that increasing Out of Home’s share of a media plan led to increased effectiveness, with measurable impact on sales, brand awareness, consideration, and purchase intent.

  • Higher Ad Recall OOH has higher consumer ad recall than other media and drives consumer action
  • Strong Revenue Return OOH delivers a strong revenue return on ad sales (RROAS) that can improve overall campaign RROAS for the total media mix
  • Improved brand perception OOH drives improved brand perceptions throughout the marketing funnel. 
  • Underfunding OOH prevents total media plan optimisation

Not quite full? CLICK HERE  to digest the whole study and find out the optimal % of spend brands should be allocating to OOH. We’ll give you a hint…it’s  almost double! 

With MediaWorks, you can use our Audio, Digital and Outdoor products to boost your reach and engagement throughout the day.

Audio provides the brand voice to the brand image displayed on outdoor, and digital closes the loop! And when done in harmony, campaigns that use these channels can drive up to 70% stronger engagement, up to 40% stronger ad memorability, and can drive 19% greater ROI on average. 

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