Unmistakeable Audio

Connecting with 2.44 million listeners every week  with unrivalled reach across Aotearoa. From local to national, from music to news. 

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Unrivalled Reach Across Aotearoa

MediaWorks has a network of 10 unique Audio brands with 36 local shows across 24 markets throughout New Zealand, including some of the country’s best-loved radio brands. Our Audio is the #1 network in New Zealand with 2.44 million* listeners every week, listening in the car, on their mobile, at home, at work, at the gym; everywhere! 

With award winning Audio brands: Mai FM, The Edge, George FM, The Rock FM, More FM, The Sound, The Breeze, Magic, Humm FM, Channel X and rova. 


Check out our latest Radio Survey results to see how your audience engages with our brands.

Live & Local! 

Everyday our talent and brands keep it local, reflecting the interests of New Zealanders and the communities they represent. MediaWorks has 36 local shows Nationwide, plus 23 local promo teams!

Why Advertise on Audio? 

Audio is everywhere. It's in your home, your car, your workplace, where you shop and online. It is the most accessible and portable medium available to your customers.

 *GfK Comm RAM, S1/24, Total NZ, Cume, AP10+, M-S 12mn-12mn.